Your Gateway to Wellness
Sign up for one of our
Health Screening Packages
(Vibrant and beyond) to unlock your complimentary iSure Coverage.
This exclusive iSure Group insurance programme, tailored for those who prioritise well-being, offers a groundbreaking benefit: a 50% refund on IHG Sure’s HOPE Programme.
Key Benefits:
1. 50% Refund on HOPE Programme:
Enroll in the HOPE Programme and receive a 50% refund on the fee (capped at SGD 1,000).
Criteria: Achieve normal results post-programme or improve at least 4 abnormal results among the 8 health measures.*
2. Major Cancer Cover:
Secure 100% Sum Assured ("SA") payout upon Major Cancer diagnosis.
If diagnosed within 90 days from coverage inception, receive a benefit equal to the health screening package cost.
3. Basic Death Benefit:
SGD500 payable upon death from all causes.
Eligibility and Coverage Terms:
Eligible Age: 18 to 70 years old (both age inclusive)
Coverage Term: 1 year.
Waiting Period: 90 days for Major Cancer cover.
Survival Period: 7 days after Major Cancer diagnosis.
Terms and conditions apply.
This policy is underwritten by Singapore Life Ltd. The information is published for general information only and does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any specific person. You may get a copy of the Product Summary from Singapore Life Ltd and the participating distributors’ offices. This material is not an insurance contract. Full details of the standard terms and conditions of this policy can be found in the relevant certificate of insurance with benefits summary. Protected up to specified limits by SDIC.This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Information is accurate as at 18 Jan 2024.
This is a group insurance cover with iHG Sure Pte. Ltd. as the Master Policyholder. iSure provides coverage in the event of Major Cancer, Death and Refund Benefit on fee paid for HOPE Programme, if you have enrolled. This is complimentary to you funded by iHG Sure. It is underwritten by Singapore Life Ltd (“Singlife”).
No. iSure cover is provided free of charge by iHG Sure to you for duration of one year. Please refer to the Product Summary for the product details, and terms and conditions.
You can file your claim within 30 days after the diagnosis of occurrence of the Major Cancer. Claims forms and supporting documents should be sent to Singlife to managed_care3@singlife.com. Please refer to Product Summary or visit www.singlife.com to find out more about Claims Process.