针灸 Acupuncture
针灸是中医传统治疗方法之一。通过促进气血流通,针灸可以减少疼痛和帮助治疗疾病. 一般的针灸治疗包括将毫针插入病人身上指定的穴位中,以达到通经活络、调理机体、治疗疾病的效果,让身体恢复平衡状态。针灸时所使用的针灸针都是经过消毒,一次性使用的针灸针。多数病人形容扎针时有酸、麻、胀感,即中医所谓的“得气”。
Acupuncture is one of several ancient Chinese medical procedures. It is believed to help relieve pain and treat ailments by restoring the normal flow of energy through the body.
A typical acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine sterile needles into specific points on the body to elicit a healing response. The sterilized and disposable needles are so thin that most people feel nothing more than a slight tingling sensation when they are inserted.
The acupuncture points are mostly located along the meridian through which Qi flows. Acupuncture moves this energy by techniques of ascending, descending, reinforcing, reducing, warming and clearing to create the desired response.
Each treatment lasts approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Heat stimulation and cupping may be used together with the needles in order to boost the efficacy of healing.
The number and frequency of treatments will vary from patient to patient depending on their health conditions. Some symptoms may be relieved after the first treatment, while others may take 10 to 20 treatments. In general, a disorder such as having an ongoing pain for many years requires one to three treatments a week for the first few weeks. Gradually, the frequency can be reduced to once or twice a month.